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  • Gossip

    More Counselor Confessions... I talk about you behind your back! BUT ONLY when I am building you up, singing your praises... OR finding resources to provide assistance for life's struggles or barriers... OR praying for you. It is important to understand the difference between harmful gossip and supportive problem-solving. Gossiping is mentioned in the Bible 133 times (click link here for more.) To say it is frowned upon would be an understatement. As a middle school counselor, I witness the negative consequences of gossiping on a daily basis, and it is not only students who participate in it, unfortunately. Whenever I am able to remove myself from unproductive verbal bashing about God's children or redirect the conversation to more helpful subjects, I promptly do so as much as humanly possible. I am not a saint. Admittedly there are times I allow myself to get sucked into the drama. Often times, I am called to mediate such controversies, which hopefully conclude peacefully with mutual respect or at least civil agree-to-disagree boundary setting. In my own personal life, (vulnerable self-disclosure coming NOW) I have been the subject of other people's gossip more times than I even realize or care to know about honestly. Because here's the deal for me today: "What you think about me is none of my business." Unless, of course, you choose to make it so by bringing your concerns directly to me; which is exactly what happened to me a few years ago during a painful growing season in my life. Of the fifty plus years I have enjoyed the breath of life on this planet so far, more than half of them have been spent married. Today I am grateful to be the proverbial woman at the well, forgiven, redeemed, restored, and renewed handling my new Christ-centered marriage with care. However, there were a few years in between the two marriages when I acted out like the single young adult I never got to be--- seeking attention in ways that are unbecoming for a Christ-follower. Pleased with my body size as a result of "divorce diet" weight loss, I succumbed to the temptation to flaunt it on social media under the guise of "yoga" being an *"ambassador" for clothing brands who reached out to me to help them sell more of their products. I was flattered and took the bait multiple times from a few brands. The point in confessing all of this to you is that my own adult children discussed their concerns about my risky behavior choices amongst themselves. This was NOT gossip, because they intervened and rebuked me directly for my inappropriate and somewhat reckless behavior. I felt embarrassed, ashamed, and righteously convicted by Holy Spirit as a result. Furthermore, I ended up crying on the first phone call I ever had with my now husband about this conviction which revealed my heart to him. As it turns out he found my heart much more attractive than all the yoga poses online. Now the only *Ambassador I have any desire to be is one for Christ--- 2 Corinthians 5:20. And I welcome constructive criticism for the sake of growth as opposed to malicious gossip for the sake of tabloid fodder entertainment in a vain attempt to help them feel better about their own troubled lives. I have learned that hurt people hurt people, so I will continue to give my best effort to Love God and Love People. I'm Listening... if you have any stories of your own you need to confess in a safe space. Let's chat! PS. I still practice yoga privately, and dance in leggings daily on social media for a different joyful purpose! Only you and God know your true motives for doing what you do. I won’t be casting any stones believe me. Love you my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • Exploring the Wilderness of the Bible: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

    Been thinking about the grumbling Israelites who shortly after being delivered out of slavery in Egypt began whining and complaining about the manna God provided wanting meat and other comforts. Stories like this one found in the book of Numbers chapter eleven remind me that The Bible is in fact The Living Word just as relevant today in 2024 as it was in the beginning. Because I too suffer regularly from gratitude being replaced by feeling irritable, restless, and discontent. I often daydream about a new job or home or other acquisition or opportunity instead of deeply appreciating all the blessings bestowed on me already. Can you relate? Once was lost but now am found: Prone to wander... Wandering around the wilderness is where I hear His voice best. What about you? May you hear His [whispers] as a still small voice as you sit in Psalm 46:10 peace. Recently I posted another reel (not surprising) on Instagram. It demonstrated a tiny fraction of the high speed random thoughts that constantly flow through my finite brain every hour daily. Spent a portion of the morning internally debating whether or not to post this collage of random thoughts. Since I have already concluded that this blog site is merely my own personal diary where I sometimes choose to share some parts of it with you publicly--- It appears this may be one of those times. Although I have already shared my desire and joy at being counter-cultural serving His Upside Down Kingdom; once in a while I am tempted to join the trending crowds like posting a GIF that states "Feeling cute, might delete later" because I can totally relate! Almost inserted that GIF here, but it just didn't feel appropriate, so I simply quoted it instead. Applied a variety of methods to process my thought tornado, including journaling (privately), praying, checking in with my mentor, plus pressing pause prior to posting. Want to know a beautiful secret? We don't have to have all the answers today. All we have to do is take the next indicated step in front of us. In my personal writing for today, I elaborated on how thankful I am for two of my dearest lifelong friends who are both celebrating birthdays. I also listed all of my "GET TOs" for today and the rest of this week! I lamented by extremely short night of sleep which is mostly due to my own poor choices. To be clear, what I did last night was NOT an example of intuitive eating. No. Instead I chose to mindlessly consume a cold brew iced coffee, kettle corn, and caramel cookie gelato while watching TV which then contributed to a restless night of little sleep and a rude awakening by my alarm at the normal time. I could have chosen to stay in that crabby tired funk. But instead I suited up in my Ephesians 6:11 armor of God, did my prayers and daily refresh @YouVersion followed by running my mindset mile. Next thing I knew I was energized and ready to DANCE! It's a mindset shift. And anyone can choose to do it! Life is full of choices. The choice is yours! Happy Dancing!

  • Counselor Cliche Confessions

    Cliche is defined as an overused phrase or opinion lacking originality. Borrowed the image above from to demonstrate some common examples you may know. Confident you could list many more examples in addition to these. What are some of your favorite sayings, mantras, or cliches, and why do they resonate with you? Here are a few of mine: 1. Life is a journey, not a destination. The older (and hopefully wiser) I get, the more I realize that happiness is not achieved by reaching a particular goal, title, relationship or career status, financial success, material acquisition, or any other accomplishment we are striving to achieve. No. It really is much more about the journey (growth) it takes to get there and the unforgettable poignant moments and lessons learned along the way. 2. The grass isn't greener on the other side. This one can be particularly painful resulting in broken hearts for entire families through ripple effects, if this old adage is not heeded and the yard not watered and cared for over the years. Or it could be applied to jumping ship at a career too often or too many times resulting in a loss of seniority, meaningful relationships, advancement opportunities, pay raises, or any other number of possible downsides from trying to escape or avoid unpleasant responsibilities. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes change is good. But it is important to remember: 3. Wherever you go there you are. If you find yourself continuously unhappy in your job, relationships, financial situation, fitness level, conflicts, drama, suffering, or other aspects of your life; it may be time to STOP to take an honest look in the mirror. If you notice a common theme that all your woes are someone else's fault, it may be time to START shifting your mindset to taking some responsibility by owning your part, and empowering yourself instead of blaming everyone else. "Nothing has changed but my attitude, therefore, everything has changed." Anthony de Mello No doubt I will add more mantras, cliches or common sayings below as they come to mind... But for NOW, I would prefer to read your favorites in the comments! Value your life today and the lives of those you love and appreciate because we are not promised tomorrow! Everything happens for a reason Wherever you are be all there Do what you love --- Love what you do Stay humble and kind Joy in the Journey (Almost Home by Mercy Me) Salt of the Earth One day at a time Again I kindly ask you, what are some of your personal favorites and why?

  • Are you trying too hard?

    (Trying too hard to gain outside attention or approval) ...Or not trying hard enough? (Not enough time and efforts devoted to top values and priorities.) More confessions from an empathetic counselor: Although I work hard to listen and observe with open-minded curiosity, without judgement or bias, I would be lying (and so would anyone else who claims they don't judge others) if I told you I don't catch myself judging others and myself at times. Often I think to myself "She is trying way too hard" with that look or behavior. In the power of NOW I am turning similar judgmental lenses back on myself. NOT referring to physical appearance, make-up, wardrobe, or IG Reels this time. No, I am talking about THIS blog right here. It may finally be time to truly accept the reality of this "Dear Diary" situation for what it is and for what it is not. Over and over again, I have attempted to build a "brand" or a "business" because I believed the desire of my heart is to serve remotely from anywhere on this planet allowing the freedom and flexibility to visit family and be His hands and feet in other countries as well as here in the United States of America. However, at least 3 obstacles have become glaringly obvious standing in the way of achieving this goal: I am NOT a salesperson and have absolutely NO desire to become one. The content I provide is not considered to be of value to most people--harsh, but true. Regardless of varied attempts, my core "default setting" inevitably brings me back to this personal spiritual-journey-diary-type of blog site which is the reason behind #2 on this list, and the reason very few people engage with the content. Was blind, but now I see! The image above will be shared in a book about The Lost coming soon at Grateful Gwen Good Reads [YouTube] Channel. So where do I go from here? Not sure yet, to be honest. Most likely I will keep journaling to my heart's content for my own therapeutic benefits. But I may not try so hard to promote, invite, push, or share my thoughts or encouragements with you anymore as in adding links on social media stories, creating reels, or other such promotions. If you are one of the few who actually enjoys or benefits in some small way from what is shared here, you know where to find me. But this girl is going to practice "EASY DOES IT" moving forward and stop trying too hard to accomplish a goal that may not even be God's Will for me. Once again, I surrender and sing it out loud like Carrie Underwood "Jesus, Take The Wheel!" Thank you for letting me share...

  • Top 10 Reasons

    Originally during my mindset mile run this morning, I wanted to blog about the top ten reasons to avoid discussing politics on social media. But God had other plans for me which became clear after I began working at my desk. For those of you who may not already be aware of this fun fact--- there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs and most months of the year contain 31 days. Reading a chapter a day grows wisdom in much the same way that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. On this April 25th, 2024, Proverbs chapter 25 tied together nicely with my current journey of practicing Intuitive Eating v.16 "If you find honey, eat just enough--too much of it, and you will vomit." Sounds like sage and practical advice, if you ask me. Next, I remembered another favorite verse from Proverbs about honey and the value of kind words "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones" Proverbs 16:24 KJV. Biblical evidence of the healing that positive affirmations have been proven to truly provide for our bodies [minds] and souls. Why stop there I thought to myself as I reminisced about a fond childhood memory day dreaming about living forever in the land of milk and honey. So I searched for that verse and found it in Numbers 14:8 KJV --- "If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us." I don't know about you, as you may be one who suffers from lactose intolerance or some type of honey allergy or an aversion to both milk and honey due to veganism avoiding eating any animals or animal byproducts. But I am a huge fan of both dairy products and honey as a natural sweetener. It's why I could (and have in past years) happily practice vegetarianism, but am not satisfied as a vegan. This verse scavenger hunt may appear to be a complete waste of time for some of you... But as for me and my household [Joshua 24:15] it is The Living Word, Two-Edged Sword, and Living Water--- the basic sustenance my soul longs for, and the only solution that eternally quenches my strong thirst. My biological father regularly presented Sunday School teachings, meeting exhortations, and afternoon lectures for the local Ecclesia. Now my oldest brother continues to do the same, following in Dad's admirable footsteps, which brings a smile to a few faces I know, including mine. As the self-proclaimed "black sheep" of the family, I never imagined I would be "preaching God's word" to anyone in any forum, but here I am pouring my heart and soul out for those who have Matthew 11:15 ears to hear. At the same time, I am practicing mindfulness being careful not to cast my Matthew 7:6-7 pearls before swine. This is why future blog posts may be limited to " subscription members only" so I will know you have a genuine interest in seeking knowledge and knocking on the door to God's Kingdom and/or a sincere interest in my life and the parts I am willing to share with you loved ones. If growing your mindset or empowering your headspace are topics you may be interested in pursuing, click the underlined links above. Or if there are other topics you want to discuss, let's chat! For more information about Intuitive Eating or Mindfulness check out this video link below: Today's Positive Affirmation: May you be healed, whole, and hopeful my friends, foes, and family.

  • God as my Co-pilot?

    There is a reason for the question mark at the end of this title. You may have seen the bumper sticker on a car or heard someone share the sentiment "God is my co-pilot." Recalling the first time I ever heard it, I thought it was a great concept. But when I heard it shared at a meeting again last night, I thought to myself "Nope, God is my Pilot..." If anyone is a co-pilot here, it's me. Through my life experiences thus far, I am thoroughly convinced that control is an illusion, a direct result of the ego: Edging God Out Therefore, I only find true Philippians 4 peace which passes understanding when I completely surrender the control [steering] wheel or handlebars metaphorically speaking, praise hands up in the air, enjoying the roller coaster of my beautiful life one day at a time. Another phrase that has come to mind lately is this one: "History repeats itself." “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. May we learn from our past lessons as humans who all Bleed The Same. Thank you to the recently departed Mandisa featuring Toby Mac and Kirk Franklin for the powerful, poignant lyrics of the song by the bold italicized name above. Speaking of learning from history, the following video is the latest addition to our collection of children's story books @Grateful Gwen Good Reads Channel: We are not promised tomorrow. Tell your people you love them today! I love you.

  • Headspace

    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” [former First Lady] Eleanor Roosevelt We get to choose whatsoever [Philippians 4] praiseworthy, lovely, honorable, and true thoughts we allow into our headspace. We choose the images and concepts we feed onto our brains. Sometimes we are unfortunately involuntarily subjected to environmental factors and influences we would prefer to avoid. Even then we have a choice in how we engage with the stimulus. We can choose to be in this world without being of this world. Life is full of choices. I may say “I Don’t Care” but I really do care: (Video link in image above) I need to walk away from this post for a little while to be fully present in my next chosen activity for the day. Perhaps I’ll return a bit later… Until then, may you smile, breathe deeply, in gratitude for your breath and reasons to smile in this moment my friends.

  • Dreams

    What dreams may come often depends upon what we feed into our brains. Sometimes I have disturbing dreams which haunt me from my past regrets reminding me to be grateful for new mercies everyday. Other times I have beautiful hopeful dreams which provide crystal clarity and direction for God's Will for my life like the one I had last night. It is truly an answered prayer to my daily request for the knowledge of His Will and the power to carry it out one day at a time. Lately, through my dream last night, recent conversations with real people, readings, church sermons, prayers, music, television episodes, podcasts, social media posts, internet research, and other resources or influences; God has revealed the timely and needed topic of LIFE AFTER DIVORCE through the "Helper" aka "Friend" aka Holy Spirit as the specific target area I am being called to testify about and to invite your testimonies, questions, or concerns on this subject as well. Riding on the coattails of our Emeritus Senior Pastor Tom Lance from The Grove Community Church celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary in addition to serving on staff for just as long and counting... Last night's vivid dream about several families I know personally who have suffered severe gut, heart, and soul-wrenching fracturing rendered by the dissolution of long lasting marriages including myself, made it abundantly apparent that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Plenty of Christian texts and media including [but not limited to] The Holy Bible exist to promote and encourage staying married for your entire lifetime, "until death do us part." This is of course the ideal and BEST possible outcome. It is fantastic when married couples make the decision from the beginning that divorce is not an option for themselves, and then do the work to honor that daily choice throughout their marriage! Practicing PURITY before and throughout the marriage is another idealistic godly concept which has often surfaced lately in my discussions, literature, and through other influencers I willingly invite and welcome into my headspace on a regular basis. BUT What about those of us who continue to suffer the natural consequences of divorce? Can there still be JOY and an abundant life for us? You betcha!!! In my intimate prayer and meditation time upon waking from my dream this new morning I wondered out loud if I am to write a book or give a talk or share a blog post about this relatable topic? The enemy immediately attempted to shoot arrows of doubt and fear with accusations like "Remember? you said so yourself yesterday... You can't market or sell anything including books, motivational speaking engagements, or counseling services!" Good thing I suited up with the full Ephesians 6 armor of God first so I could deflect those flaming arrows! Before I could seriously consider any of the above, it would be helpful to collect data and to hear back from you first. Would you be willing to share (anonymously, if you prefer) your story about life (restoration, recovery, faith, hope, forgiveness, love) after divorce? If so, let's chat! May you be redeemed, restored, and encouraged today my friends and family.

  • Lessons Learned

    It may be more accurate to call this post "confessions of a blogger" than counselor confessions to be honest. Recently reflecting upon priorities, choices, and actions to determine which ones align with my highest goals and which ones border on self-destructive sabotage contradicting my top values. Moving my domain from the FREE blogger host to the paid WIX host is one of those decisions I am reevaluating at this time. The reason I share this thinking out loud with you is because it may save you money if you are considering making a similar move. At this point I have already invested enough time, money, and energy to stay put for a while. However, knowing what I know now (hindsight being 20/20 like it is) the best plan for my content and purposes would've been to remain on a free site to journal online to my heart's content. I will say that this (WIX) platform provides a lot more options and is fun to use! For someone truly interested in setting up a successful business I highly recommend it! But for a simple "Dear Diary" girl like me, it is more [expensive] than I need to process my lifelong learning experiences online. As it turns out, I have no interest in selling anyone anything. Selling is not one of my giftings, whether it be products or services as proven time and time again after several weak and vain attempts. So investing in advertising on any forms of social media including this one is a waste of my precious income and resources I have been entrusted with to steward for my Master. I have also learned that viewing social media prompts exposure to advertisements from accounts working hard to convince me I NEED their products and services, which then dominoes to me purchasing items which often contradict the following Top Ten goals I have personally prioritized for my life: God First (First of two greatest commandments) Quality Time w/Family (Friends are family too) "Washing Feet " (being of service--second of two greatest commandments) Minimalism Financial Peace (includes tithing) Mindfulness/Gratitude/Sobriety Retirement Planning Time/Mobility FREEDOM Health/Fitness (contrary to popular beliefs, does NOT require a bunch of fancy equipment/memberships/processed supplements) Serenity Until my current 3 year payment plan commitment runs out, I shall remain here with those of you who may be interested in chatting, reading, encouraging, relating, wondering, sharing, or finding a safe space to connect and be heard at this blogsite. And until I am required to start paying to upload videos onto my YouTube channel I will be happy to continue to provide FREE content there for my precious granddaughter Kalani and YOU, if you're interested in reading with us. I'm here if you want to chat. May you be well, calm, and living out your highest priorities today.

  • Maybe

    Maybe we can be anything we choose to be! Maybe we were created and chosen for such a time as this! Maybe we are discovering our carefully crafted purpose one day at a time! Maybe instead of "manifesting" my "vision" with the help of the "universe," my GOD is giving me the Psalm 37:4 desires of my heart because I delight in HIM! Just MAYBE... Even if this YouTube channel only serves the purpose of sharing beautiful bedtime stories with my precious granddaughter Kalani across the Atlantic Ocean, it is enough for me. If others happen to enjoy the stories with us, that is icing on the proverbial cake! As for me, I will continue to pray like it depends on God, and work [serve] like it depends on me! Because in my experience, both are true! Do what you love. Love what you do. I happen to love reading, writing, editing, photography, creating reels on Instagram, dancing, swimming, playing, nature walks, educating, counseling, dreaming, praising, petting pets, singing joyfully, mindfulness meditations, yoga, prioritizing peace, loving God and people to name a few of my favorite things. What do you love? What are a few of your favorite things? How often do you get to do them? Are you satisfied with your life choices so far? If not, how can I help? Take my hand. Let's chat! Do you struggle with anxiety or fears? WHY do I share part of my Daily Dancing with you via Instagram Reels? Because it is one of many ways I express my gratitude, praise, and joy for what my God has done in my life! He has healed my broken heart, plantar fasciitis, spiritual malady, depression, and so much more! My Higher Power has redeemed, restored, renewed, and is in the power of now bringing revival for the lost, broken, anxious, and hurting who have ears to hear. So I will DANCE and SING and SHOUT OUT with grateful glee comfortable in my own skin FINALLY! May you be healed and be able to sing "It is well with my soul" after your own sweet surrender friends, family, and foes.

  • Empowerment

    Recently got the pleasure of listening to motivational speaker Kevon Lee from the local "hood" in San Bernardino empowering our students to FINISH STRONG! His inspirational words resulting from choices to overcome difficult life circumstances contained wisdom beyond his years. My personal favorite came at the end of his talk when he asked the students "What are the two most powerful words in the English language?" His answer "I AM!" Kevon asked the students to fill in the blank and complete the sentence with positive affirmation statements such as "I am strong!" "I am a hard worker!" "I am capable of great things!" "I am going to be President and improve the state of this country!" You get the idea. To be clear there was absolutely nothing "religious" about this secular presentation at a public school setting at all, respecting separation of church and state wholeheartedly. However, reading between the lines from my unique perspective, I listened... and what I heard with [Matthew 11:15] ears to hear was all about him being on fire [Luke 3:16] calling students to finish strong [1 Corinthians 9:24-27] and the G.O.A.T. [Greatest Of All Time] I AM [Exodus 3:14] empowering students with [Philippians 4:13] strength to finish this school year strong! Breathing deeply, inhaling peace, and exhaling the chaos of this broken world... If "over-posting" on social media qualifies as a character defect, then add that one to my inventory please. Because I am clearly guilty of that sin. Yes, I do realize a few of my most beloved ones shake their heads embarrassed on my behalf at the excessive media publications through a variety of forums---often times impulsively displayed publicly. And I have decided to be okay with that. Breathing deeply and taking inventory once again... Not only on material possessions, but also spring cleaning media storage space to create room for sharing personally prioritized values which may be useful for others as well. Created to Dream as a lifelong learner with a growth mindset, I regularly take steps to clean my proverbial house, organize priorities, and hit the reset button on my life choices. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is a wise old adage. However, if it could be improved, why not do it? At least that's my philosophy. So in this moment, in the power of now, praying to improve the choices I am making, gradually producing more meaningful, creative, quality content along the way with strength from my Shepherd for his glory and good pleasure. Work in progress to practice more mindfulness when it comes to quality vs. quantity, posting as often as The Spirit leads or I choose to share just for fun or educational purposes. Live your life. You only get one in this temporary Earth suit. Make it a good one! May you BREATHE DEEPLY, move because it's FUN, and eat when you're hungry! "Give us this day our daily bread... " Maybe you know the rest and can take it from there friends. The Art of Being:

  • Noticing

    Whether it's noticing the lovely heart creatively foamed on the top of your favorite latte, intuitively knowing what your body needs in this moment, or reading a book which captures your imagination that has you appreciating the imagery in cloud formations above; noticing is a peaceful, useful practice of curiosity allowing us to see the beauty in others and the world around us at large. Not too long ago, I read this exquisite children's book, by the same name as this post, on my former YouTube Channel. Since then I have deleted that channel for reasons related to ego and lack of a streamlined focus. The replacement channel began with sharing beloved bedtime stories originally displaying that name. Then it evolved into Grateful Gwen Good Reads overtime adding videos more geared toward adult enlightenment and self improvement such as Practicing Mindfulness and Intuitive Eating. Not that there is anything wrong with those good reads, but it was not the original intention for this channel. As a result, my Higher Power directed me back on track: TODAY I am genuinely excited to share with you... NOTICING! As much as I would love to share all of the wonderful meditations and mindfulness mantras from this helpful book below with you; reality has announced "out of storage space" with Wix managed site until plan is upgraded. Life is full of choices. Choose wisely. May your God-given intuition serve you and others well today friends.

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