Top 10 Reasons
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Top 10 Reasons

Originally during my mindset mile run this morning, I wanted to blog about the top ten reasons to avoid discussing politics on social media.

But God had other plans for me which became clear after I began working at my desk. For those of you who may not already be aware of this fun fact--- there are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs and most months of the year contain 31 days.

Reading a chapter a day grows wisdom in much the same way that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. On this April 25th, 2024, Proverbs chapter 25 tied together nicely with my current journey of practicing Intuitive Eating v.16 "If you find honey, eat just enough--too much of it, and you will vomit." Sounds like sage and practical advice, if you ask me.

Next, I remembered another favorite verse from Proverbs about honey and the value of kind words "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones" Proverbs 16:24 KJV.

Biblical evidence of the healing that positive affirmations have been proven to truly provide for our bodies [minds] and souls.

Why stop there I thought to myself as I reminisced about a fond childhood memory day dreaming about living forever in the land of milk and honey.

So I searched for that verse and found it in Numbers 14:8 KJV --- "If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us."

I don't know about you, as you may be one who suffers from lactose intolerance or some type of honey allergy or an aversion to both milk and honey due to veganism avoiding eating any animals or animal byproducts. But I am a huge fan of both dairy products and honey as a natural sweetener. It's why I could (and have in past years) happily practice vegetarianism, but am not satisfied as a vegan.

This verse scavenger hunt may appear to be a complete waste of time for some of you...

But as for me and my household [Joshua 24:15] it is The Living Word, Two-Edged Sword, and Living Water--- the basic sustenance my soul longs for, and the only solution that eternally quenches my strong thirst.

My biological father regularly presented Sunday School teachings, meeting exhortations, and afternoon lectures for the local Ecclesia. Now my oldest brother continues to do the same, following in Dad's admirable footsteps, which brings a smile to a few faces I know, including mine. As the self-proclaimed "black sheep" of the family, I never imagined I would be "preaching God's word" to anyone in any forum, but here I am pouring my heart and soul out for those who have Matthew 11:15 ears to hear. At the same time, I am practicing mindfulness being careful not to cast my Matthew 7:6-7 pearls before swine. This is why future blog posts may be limited to " subscription members only" so I will know you have a genuine interest in seeking knowledge and knocking on the door to God's Kingdom and/or a sincere interest in my life and the parts I am willing to share with you loved ones.

If growing your mindset or empowering your headspace are topics you may be interested in pursuing, click the underlined links above.

Or if there are other topics you want to discuss, let's chat!

For more information about Intuitive Eating or Mindfulness check out this video link below:

Today's Positive Affirmation:

May you be healed, whole, and hopeful my friends, foes, and family.

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