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  • Confident

    When you think of what a CONFIDENT person looks like or acts like, what images or descriptions come to your mind? Merriam-Webster defines Confident as the following: confident adjective con·​fi·​dent ˈkän-fə-dənt -ˌdent Synonyms of confident 1 : full of conviction : CERTAIN confident of success confident that conditions will improve 2 : having or showing assurance and self-reliance a confident young businessman a confident manner When I think about descriptions for confident people I respect, these are some of the thoughts that come to mind: Does not find it necessary to explain, defend, or boast about oneself. Original. Able to be emotionally vulnerable and honestly transparent when appropriate. Accepts responsibility for errors and makes amends to make it right whenever possible. Trustworthy. Keeps it simple with an easy does it no need to be like anyone else presence. Authentic. Welcomes constructive criticism, recognizing the fact that there is always room to grow and improve. Humility. Faith-filled and Faithful---Philippians 1:6 Confidence and Philippians 4 Peace, Joy, and Contentment in any circumstances. "Free to be me" is a wonderful mantra to build confidence. There is ONE who has all power who loves you enough to die for you. Should you choose to listen and believe in this confidence and love for you, you may actually learn to love yourself and others in a similar way. Perhaps you already do. May you love like someone who knows confidently they are loved. May your cup of joy overflow...

  • Counselor Confessions

    These are my confessions... As a school counselor, I mindfully observe people daily. In much the same way as a horse smells fear on its rider often mirroring the jittery nervous energy, adolescent students sense when a teacher [or substitute] doesn't like or respect them. They tend to react in kind. Likewise, they also have a tendency to respond respectfully with kindness when treated with both kindness and respect. Sometimes there are exceptions to this and those cases are usually triggered from deeper underlying issues, most often hurt and lack of trust from past trauma. The other Counselor Confession I choose to share with you at this time is THIS one: As I observe those beautiful swan students who appear to glide effortlessly along, standing out among all the other awkward ducklings stumbling clumsily through the masses; I am keenly aware of the deep pain many of those "swans" are carrying, adamantly refusing to let it show. Honored and privileged to be entrusted with their "confessions," I pass them in the hallways and silently lift them up in prayer for healing restoration while offering them a sincere smile and warm greeting to encourage them on this battlefield of life. Secretly, I already know how the story ends. The battle has already been won. The victory is ours for the taking. Hallelujah. Amen. These are my confessions... May you be calm today my friend, full of peace and gratitude. Selah.

  • Relationships

    As a professional counselor I work with helping others build and repair relationships daily. This morning during the commute to work I started contemplating important connections with others inherent in sharing genetic material or relationships by blood. This line of thinking led me to the anticipation of Easter observed and celebrated on the last day of this month of March 2024 where we remember the relationship by blood with The One who shed His own in exchange for ours on the cross. Personally this happens to be my most important and valuable relationship by far. It may seem odd to those who don't know Him personally that I would prioritize this relationship above the tangible relationships bonded by genetic material, law, love, or common interests/struggles/values, but I do. One of the reasons for this free-will choice on my part is that in doing so, this priority improves my relationships with all of the above, whether they realize it or not. It's perfectly okay if you don't understand. You don't have to understand. You don't have to agree with me. You don't have to approve of my priorities. That's the beauty of free-will. Life is full of choices... Both for this one as well as the choices impacting your eternal life... John 3:16-17. The choice is yours. My prayer today is THIS one: "Give me your eyes" (link in image) Dedicated to my Dearest Sweet Royal Princess Kalani... Grandma loves you and your Mama to the moon and back!

  • Being

    That's right! I am a "human being," not a "human doing." This is a concept I have read about before and perhaps you have as well. This philosophical photo journal The Art of Being Recapturing The Self by Catherine Laroze currently available HERE is a powerful reminder of the importance of this notion: Through mindfulness meditation we can relieve some of the pressure to "DO" or perform by society's standards. We can choose to simply "BE" breathing in the serenity of each moment deeply inhaling peace and exhaling perfectionistic expectations. Will you join me in this exercise of simply BEING in the power of NOW? Also, in keeping with the New Direction of this blogsite sharing "Counselor Confessions" as a professional counselor; it is important to note here that deep breathing exercises can lower your anxiety and restore your sense of calm. More practical tips for finding your calm in this video below:

  • I Have a Dream

    "The time is always right to do what is right." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In honor of MLK day this three day American holiday weekend, I wanted to share a little bit with you about the dream God has for my life. Unfortunately when I changed my domain [] over from the FREE Google hosting service platform "blogger" to the paid host "Wix" I lost all of my previous blog posts including one titled "I Have A Dream." It included this photograph of me after my high school graduation where my Mom gifted me with this framed poster I wrote in Kindergarten about my dream to become a teacher. By the grace of God, and some efforts on my part that dream became a reality. This past Thanksgiving after reading the entire book "Created to Dream" by Rick Warren, author of "The Purpose Driven Life" during our flight home from Michigan to California; it reframed the way in which I now interact with this famous inspirational MLK quote "I have a dream." NOW instead of pursuing my own dream, I am seeking to fulfill the dream God has designed me for and has designed especially for me. Doing precisely what I was born to do fits like a glove, doesn't require any justifications, rationalizations, financial failures, or uncomfortably forced sales pitches to convince anyone else to buy what I'm selling. It simply feels right. And once again "The time is always right to do what's right." MLK jr. If there is a way I may assist you with discovering and living out the dream God has for your unique and beautiful life, please message me so we can work together to make all of your God-given dreams come true! Perhaps we will read this book together on the channel linked in the image above soon. Are you living your dream?

  • Take My Hand

    Lately I find myself purposely avoiding writing blog posts, creating YouTube videos and even slapping up a quick post or reel on Instagram or Facebook. No, it is not writer's block or difficulty creating content. It's actually a result of the following reasons: 1) Enjoying the free time living my REAL LIFE privately. 2) Evaluating data and recognizing the overwhelming lack of interest in my content. 3) Choosing NOT to deliver the type of content this world values most according to the research and statistics. 4) Desiring to do God's Will over my own. 5) Offering empowering emotional support that truly matters, either in person or via the chat/message options available here on this site; hence the title of this post "Take My Hand." Keeping it real as I mindfully live slowly learning how to best implement my purpose; including hopefully helping you to embrace your own unique purpose. Take my hand, tell me your story, and know that you are not alone on this challenging journey called life. If you are contemplating ending your life, PLEASE call or text 988 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Be well friends. Please consider talking to someone if you are struggling with life's challenges.

  • Well Woman

    What comes to mind when you read that title? Is it a woman who is well? Is she well mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, or all of the above? OR Is it the Samaritan woman at the well based on the book of John chapter 4 called out for having had 5 husbands and living with a man who is not her husband? This same woman is offered Living Water Her life is transformed forever as a result of this brief exchange with the Messiah. She can't wait to share her experience with anyone and everyone who has ears to hear the message. I am the well woman. Perhaps not quite as many husbands, but I am her and am eternally grateful for the Living Water HE has provided to quench my thirst and satisfy my soul forever. May you be healed, comforted, and made well today friends.

  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull

    Off on more adventures chasing seagulls and learning to FLY -- metaphorically speaking of course. Life is full of choices. Currently I am choosing to keep my private life private lessening my use of social media while practicing screen life balance and mindfulness meditations. I would ask for your opinion and experiences on this topic, but I am also practicing acceptance. Your approval is no longer required for me to enjoy my abundant Philippians 4 life of contentment through Him who gives me strength.

  • Meditation

    Yes, please... Prayer and Meditation help me peacefully pass through the emotional, physical, or other kinds of pain, stress, or suffering I may need to endure for a time. This is one of the reasons the positive book of Philippians chapter 4 written by Paul is my go-to daily meditation. This past summer and year leading up to it... I recently made a decision to visit a Foot Reflexologist right after my recent trip to Europe to relieve my fatigued feet-- especially the right one which has been painful from plantar fasciitis for 11 months now. I thought the benefits would outweigh the risks and the costs involved. Unfortunately in this case it did not. The end results were the equivalent of asking your friend to punch you in your left arm so you forget about the pain in your right one. Now weeks later, my left foot actually hurts even more than the right -- on the top and side (NOT plantar fasciitis) as a direct result of the massage by this trained reflexology expert. Clearly in this case, as already mentioned, the benefits were not worth the costs. It happens. Another lesson learned. It was especially concerning when it was even painful to swim this morning, which is one of the lowest impact workout options available. Anyway, prayer and meditation helps. Noticing the pain, observing the sensations, and BREATHING through them while gliding through the literal or metaphorical water is life-giving and peace-producing. The other essential tool that helps when you are facing a major decision such as marriage, career, faith, or other proverbial fork in the road is to write out a list of all the foreseeable pros and cons with either decision you make. For example, if you are currently suffering in an unhappy marriage and you are contemplating divorce, first check out the "stay married movement," then write out ALL of the possible pros and cons with divorce AND ALL of the pros and cons with staying married. Consider finances, child custody, ripple effects on the rest of your family, in-laws, friends and anyone else who may immediately or eventually be affected by your divorce. Also include housing on your list, moral dilemmas, legal name changes, assets, retirement plans, future spouses, step-parents, and a long list of other domino effects you may not have yet contemplated. Trust me when I say there will be even more than you can possibly fathom at this time. In other words, don't simply look at your new found freedoms, and imagine the (idiom) greener grass on the other side of the fence... The simple profound truth is that the grass is greenest wherever you water it -- both literally and metaphorically speaking. And an even more valuable tool than the pros and cons list is PRAYER. Even if you don't consider yourself to be a church-going religious person, please consider praying about any potentially life-changing decision before moving forward with it. You might be surprised by the clarity that comes through a variety of doors which open and close for you as a direct result of heartfelt prayers either from you or for you on your behalf. Prayer is powerful. Prayer works. Don't knock it until you try it! There is ALWAYS an answer. It may be a resounding "Yes", a "Not at this time", or a "Wait, I have something even BETTER planned for you!" This has been my experience every single time. Sometimes the consequences from my choices are painful, like the examples provided above. Another HUGE benefit from meditation is being able to process the expansive Spiritual Growth that comes as a result of the most excruciatingly painful experiences. It's [almost] enough to make me welcome the pain and suffering, as I pray daily for the knowledge of God's Will and the Power to carry it out: "Thy Will (not mine) be done Lord." If you are interested in seeing more of this sparkly rainbow fish, check out this bedtime story on Grateful Gwen Good Reads Channel:

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